Just a Little Step




Just a Little Step - YOASOBI

Composed by:Ayase/Konnie Aoki

Most of it I can most of it I can

我还差那么一点点 我还差那么一点点

If I take a step out in the world

如果我可以迈出一步 走进这世界里

Sow seeds that are inside of it all


I care so let that flow around

我非常在乎 所以让这份善意四处传递吧

I live and recall what each hour I got

我过着平凡的日子 回想起每时每刻我拥有的美好

Today shifts ending so charming you do know how

今天将会变无比美妙 你一定知道

So that way all of that joy rolls on to return it to you

就像这样 所有的快乐会重新回到你身边

I was so on the move again and this morning

今天早上 我重新变得忙碌不已

When every old scenes appear and pass by me

熟悉的场景浮现在我眼前 然后与我擦肩而过

Have to take care of what you're needing me to bring over to you

你需要我带你的东西 我时刻铭记于心

Receiving what you said to notify


Attention never minded today the fortune was


If you go outside comfort zone should sway

如果你鼓起勇气 走出舒适区 你就应该随心所欲

And so I just go about my own


Keep it somewhere there in my mind


Into another new day


Most of it I can most of it I can

我还差那么一点点 我还差那么一点点

If we take a step out in the world

如果我们可以迈出一步 走进这世界里

Most of it I can I do know it I can

我还差那么一点点 我知道我可以做到

In time we could share some of that love


I live and recall each hour I'm on

我过着平凡的日子 回想起我度过的时光

It's lovely feeling of that day turning around


So glad I'm feeling that joy it rolls on to return it to you

我很高兴 我感觉这份喜悦重新萦绕在你身边

I got used to the heavy darkness on the screen

电视荧屏上播放着沉重的新闻 我早就习以为常

And I feel as they forgot all about me


When I think about it so unhappy

只要我想到这一切 我就感觉闷闷不乐

Wonder if I am necessary


I thought about you and reminded in flashback

突然之间 我回想起了你

An urge I need to feel I could not fight back


I take it upon me to leave and go meet you

我下定决心 立刻动身去见你一面

It's all that I need


Maintaining wonder so long for this morning

对这个清晨 我期盼已久

All moments all the sentiments and all learnings

我思绪飘飞 心中百感交集

Before long on the go I have quickly just hit the road

不久之后 我就踏上旅途

Suddenly then felt a bit of that kindness

不经意之间 我感受到一丝丝善意

Then you got to see it turn into the kindness that I got


All out rolls on to be out back to you


Most of it I can most of it I can

我还差那么一点点 我还差那么一点点

Since I could step out in the world

因为我可以迈出一步 走进这世界里

Most of it I can oh to know it I can

我还差那么一点点 我知道我可以做到

Act out of truth and to be in my heart

一举一动都充满真挚 这份美好镌刻在我心底

And now I see that all scenes will resolve


As to best suit when it nearly has now arrived


Finding all around as it flows


Go on now from you to my heart receiving it all

现在由你至我的心灵 勇敢接受一切

I know you've got it coming through


Soul focus on us from me to you now


Joy is the feeling spreading around


I carry this out and see the colors

我带着这份快乐走出家门 看到绚烂的景色

Through every step out I see kindness from me now

随着我迈出的每一步 我看到发自肺腑的善意

Arriving into lives to play rolls

融入每个人的生活 然后会一直循环下去

Forever going around as it tolls


Revolving on and on


On to live another day of this life


But while you're living in the moment


When you find a little piece of joy that you're owed


I will be hoping that you will know it
