Into The Night




Into The Night - YOASOBI

Lyrics by:Ayase/KonnieAoki

Composed by:Ayase

Arranged by:Ayase

Seize a move you're on me falling and we were dissolving

捕捉到你的动作 你在向我的怀抱坠落 我们渐渐溶解消失

You and me skies above and wide it brings on the true night on me

你和我 头顶的天空铺开 真实的黑夜展现

All I could feel was a "goodbye"

我能听见的只有一句 再见

Those only words you wrote it's plenty to understand ya

你那寥寥几个字 足够让我读懂你的心思

The sun is going down the sky behind and visions of you would stand

天空中太阳缓缓落下 你会站到那梦一般的景色前

Overlapping with you and the fence beyond

越过围栏 与太阳重合在一起

Remember the night that we met up


Broke into me and taken everything left in my heart

你闯进我的世界 将一切留在了我的心里

So fragile is that air it always keeps on revolving near and wide

仿佛一碰就碎的空气 一直围绕在你身边

Loneliness envelops deep in your eyes


lt's stuck in "tick-and-tocking" mode


Never refraining shamble block of sound

脆弱的阻隔 永远抑制不住这声音

Too many terrible noises around


And the voice ringing in me gets louder


With tears about to fall


I need to find me an average happy tiptoe


Locating never tough when I'm with you

和你在一起 就永远不会迷失方向

Saw what got seen hid beneath and louder nights keep beating

看见这下面隐藏的东西 更嘈杂的夜晚不停喧闹

I'm going to you and giving brighter shiny tomorrows

我要迈向你的方向 给你更加明亮耀眼的明天

What can "night" for you mean infinite?


You could run with me


Place your hand in mine you gotta stay hold up

握住我的手 你要紧紧握住

Want to leave it behind dark cruel days in deep you may have hid before

想要将它们全都抛诸脑后 黑暗又残忍的日子 从前你或许会将一切深埋心底

I'm embracing you until more heat dissolve what is caught up

我会把你拥入怀中 直到用更多的温暖融化掉吞噬你的事物

Sun will soon rise up into a day you're no more too afraid

太阳很快又会重新升起 你不会再感到恐惧的日子来临

Keep all of me in you


Only perceiving through your eyes


I see nothing I'll soon hate you keep me out I'm crying out

我什么也看不到 我很快就会恨你将我拒之门外 我嚎啕大哭

You're falling into deeper fascination giving away your love

你沉浸到了更深的迷恋里 献出了你的爱

That expression has got me crying out


She's gonna try to me she's gonna lie

她要挑战我的耐心 她要撒谎骗我

Got to force a belief and trust to keep on

必须逼迫自己继续信仰 继续相信

Every time it happens heap of attack and now I'm back in

每一次都冲击着我 现在我又重振旗鼓

I got to cry then who knows?

我必须哭出来 但谁会知道

So we gotta keep on


If you gotta keep on


Then we're gonna keep on


One day we will understand I'm believing in you

总有一天我们会相互理解 我相信你

"No wanna stop it you got me tired of walking"

够了 我受够了 你让我彻底厌倦 连步子都不想迈出

As I show my needs I reach to get back on still not fit in

我表达了我的需求 伸出手去挽回 仍然得不到配合

You free my hand then leave it

你放开了我的手 然后转身就走

"No wanna stop it you got me tired of walking"

够了 我受够了 你让我彻底厌倦 连步子都不想迈出

Never told you the truth I'm feeling that inside


Back for another "tick-and-tocking" mode


Never refraining shamble block of sound

脆弱的阻隔 永远抑制不住这声音

Killing oh too many words that I gathered around

结束生命 我耳边有太多的声音

Won't let me go to your mind


"I want it to be done" is what went out

我希望可以一了百了 我脱口而出

It found a way to finally leak out of me


And for once I could make you let out a smile

终于有一次 我让你绽放出了笑容

Saw what got seen hid beneath and louder nights are keeping me down

看见这之下隐藏着什么 更嘈杂的夜晚不停喧闹

My new images of you now appear heavenly now

我从未见过的你的模样 现在像天使一样

What can "night" for you mean when fallen seas of tears are gone

当眼泪汇成的汪洋蒸发 那些夜晚对你来说会有什么意味

They dissolve into the peace inside of you

它们会溶解消失 成为你内心的平和

Calling to life hit beneath crying days in the eternal

呼唤生命 想起永恒岁月里泪流满面的日子

Give me what I saw in you oh what an end to stop all

让我与你看见了相同的世界 这就是一切的终点

Seize a move you're on me falling and we were dissolving

捕捉到你的动作 你在向我的怀抱坠落 我们渐渐溶解消失

See me to it fog is leaving bright air move

看我奔向那里 烟雾让明亮的空气随风而动

Want to leave it behind tucked all days away forget and hid beneath

想要将它们全都抛诸脑后 抛开每一天 忘掉它 深藏心底

Hand in hand extend to me that let me know beyond falls

手牵着手 伸向我 让我了解到自由坠落的感觉

Through the seas of beyond so loud and blows you afloat in the sky

穿过浩瀚的大海 风声如此响亮 让你在天空漂浮

New wind moving into you


Tonight don't ever lose sight of me and let go

今晚不要忽略我 不要放开我的手

You and me are running through the night in dark I'll take you

你和我奔跑在夜晚 我会带着你没入黑暗