End Of Youth




End Of Youth - Ed Sheeran (艾德·希兰)

Composed by:Ed Sheeran

I've been depressed since you left

自从你离开 我便陷入抑郁

Tried to fill the hole with wine


Stopped the ***** when she came


Cleaned my act up overnight


If you reach with no reply


I'll see you when I see you man


You can't talk me through the fall


If we don't know if I can land


Tried to grow but the past

也曾试着成长 但是过去的阴影

It tears me down to size


Tell the world how to process


But don't take the same advice


Half remember what I said


Then the morning's filled with fear


Can't get a handle on my grief

悲伤席卷而来 我却毫无招架之力

When every memory turns to tears


It's been a long year and we're not even halfway there

今年如此漫长 眼下还未过去一半

Is this the ending of our youth when pain starts taking over

痛苦开始占据生活的全部 这是否就是你我青春的终结

I just don't know if I can ever just let it go


Everything's falling apart


When love is real there's never closure

爱真实存在时 幸福便没有终点

I guess it's all part of life

我想 也许生活本就如此吧

But I can't help but feel low


We spend our youth with arms and hearts wide open

青春年少时 我们张开手臂 敞开心扉迎接世界

And then the dark gets in and that's the end of youth

之后黑暗降临 这便是青春的终结

I've been lost since the teens but pretend it's all alright

还是少年时 我就已经迷失了方向 但我假装一切都好

All my ups led to falls that led to try to end my life

我的每一次成功都预言了失败 逼迫我尝试结束生命

Just a boy at the start they lent on like a man

开始时我只是懵懂少年 只能学着做个大人艰难前行

You were meant to be my friend and not to take all that you can

你们本该做我的知心好友 而不是将我的所有洗劫一空

Disengaged to create try to re-invent the wheel

无心创作 于是我一遍遍重复造着轮子

No one knows what they want so I just give you what I feel

没人知道他人真正想要什么 所以我只好倾诉内心感受

If I slip and get high I know the low is always near

就算我一时疏忽忘乎所以 我仍然清楚低谷就要到来

When I'm down I never see you when I'm up you all appear

我低落时从未见过你们的身影 而我得势时你们全都出现

It's been a long year and we're not even halfway there

今年如此漫长 眼下还未过去一半

Is this the ending of our youth when pain starts taking over

痛苦开始占据生活的全部 这是否就是你我青春的终结

I just don't know if I can ever just let it go


Everything's falling apart


When love is real there's never closure

爱真实存在时 幸福便没有终点

I guess it's all part of life

我想 也许生活本就如此吧

But I can't help but feel low


We spend our youth with arms and hearts wide open

青春年少时 我们张开手臂 敞开心扉迎接世界

And then the dark gets in and that's the end of youth

之后黑暗降临 这便是青春的终结

It's been a long year and we're not even halfway there

今年如此漫长 眼下还未过去一半

Is this the ending of our youth when pain starts taking over

痛苦开始占据生活的全部 这是否就是你我青春的终结

I just don't know if I can ever just let it go


Everything's falling apart


When love is real there's never closure

爱真实存在时 幸福便没有终点

I guess it's all part of life

我想 也许生活本就如此吧

But I can't help but feel low


We spend our youth with arms and hearts wide open

青春年少时 我们张开手臂 敞开心扉迎接世界

And then the dark gets in and that's the end of youth

之后黑暗降临 这便是青春的终结

We spend our youth with arms and hearts wide open

青春年少时 我们张开手臂 敞开心扉迎接世界

And then the dark gets in and that's the end of youth

之后黑暗降临 这便是青春的终结