Plastic Bag




Plastic Bag - Ed Sheeran

Composed by:Aaron Dessner/Ed Sheeran

Produced by:Aaron Dessner

I overthink and have trouble sleeping

我想得太多 夜晚辗转难眠

All purpose gone and don't have a reason

生活失去目标 也丢了原因

There's no doctor to stop this bleeding


So I left home and jumped in the deep end

所以我走出家门 又陷入困局

Took a job for dad I think just to please him

为了爸爸接下一份工作 只为让他高兴

So when I quit I just kept it secret


And I had friends but no longer see them

我有过朋友 但现在没了联络

It's just me and now all my daemons

现在就剩我一人 还有守护我的精灵

Are heavy weighing on my heart


I guess I'm done already all but given up

我想这大概就是我的结局 我已一无所有 站在放弃的边缘

Burning days 'til the week ends

我把日子白白浪费 周末悄悄到来

And starts I just pretend I'm not where I am

我应该取消原定的计划吗 我并不在我应该在的地方

Should I cancel my plans


Saturday night is giving me a reason to rely on the strobe light

周六夜晚 是时候沉溺在酒吧灯光下

The lifeline of a promise in a shot glass


And I'll take that if you're giving out love from a plastic bag

要是看到你拿着塑料袋 向众人分发爱意 那我会欣然接下

Saturday night is giving me a reason to rely on the strobe light

周六夜晚 是时候沉溺在酒吧灯光下

The lifeline of a promise in a shot glass


And I'll take that if you're giving out love from a plastic bag

要是看到你拿着塑料袋 向众人分发爱意 那我会欣然接下

My friend died it's been years still grieving

我的朋友已经去世了好几年 但现在我依然悲伤不已

And I thought time would be somehow healing


When love finds me I'm too numb to feel it

当爱情来敲门 我却麻木不仁毫无感觉

Why the hell am I here still breathing


I would pray but I don't believe it

我当然可以向上天祈祷 但我不信这一套

Woe is me but I don't care either

我如此不幸 但同时我也毫不在意

Life is not the way that it seems but


Maybe this will all be a dream


And I'll stay steady balance on the rope

那时我会站在绳上稳稳保持平衡 我想这大概就是我的结局

I guess that I'm not ready to rely on the hope


I'm burning days 'til the week ends

我把日子白白浪费 周末悄悄到来

And starts I just pretend I'm not where I am

我应该取消原定的计划吗 我并不在我应该在的地方

Should I cancel my plans


Saturday night is giving me a reason to rely on the strobe light

周六夜晚 是时候沉溺在酒吧灯光下

The lifeline of a promise in a shot glass


And I'll take that if you're giving out love from a plastic bag

要是看到你拿着塑料袋 向众人分发爱意 那我会欣然接下

Saturday night is giving me a reason to rely on the strobe light

周六夜晚 是时候沉溺在酒吧灯光下

The lifeline of a promise in a shot glass


And I'll take that if you're giving out love from a plastic bag

要是看到你拿着塑料袋 向众人分发爱意 那我会欣然接下

I'm a wreck head

我一团糟 我讨厌这样的自己

Take me to the other side


Don't look in my eyes


It's almost morning I'm still not leaving

天就要亮 但我还没打算离开

It's wearing off but I still can feel it

宿醉有些消退 但我依然昏昏沉沉

Another one and I'll touch the ceiling

再喝一杯 我就可以伸手摸到天花板

This is all I want to be


Saturday night is giving me a reason to rely on the strobe light

周六夜晚 是时候沉溺在酒吧灯光下

The lifeline of a promise in a shot glass


And I'll take that if you're giving out love from a plastic bag

要是看到你拿着塑料袋 向众人分发爱意 那我会欣然接下

Saturday night is giving me a reason to rely on the strobe light

周六夜晚 是时候沉溺在酒吧灯光下

The lifeline of a promise in a shot glass


And I'll take that if you're giving out love from a plastic bag

要是看到你拿着塑料袋 向众人分发爱意 那我会欣然接下