First Times




First Times - Ed Sheeran (艾德·希兰)

Composed by:David Hodges/Ed Sheeran/Fred Gibson

I thought it would feel different playing Wembley

曾经的我相信心怀荣耀地表演 会感觉有所不同

80000 singing with me


It's what I've been chasing 'coz this is the dream

这就是我的不懈追求 因为这就是我的梦

When it was all over I cleared out the room

等表演散场 我清空房间

Grabbed a couple beers just me and you

拿起几瓶啤酒 只有我和你

Then we start talking the way that we do

然后我们开始聊天 就像现在一样

Ain't it funny how the simplest things in life can make a man

你不觉得有趣吗 生活怎么能通过细枝末节造就一个人

Little moments that pass us by


Oh but I remember


The first kiss the first night the first song that made you cry

第一次相吻 第一个夜晚 第一首让你哭泣的歌

The first drink red wine on a step in Brooklyn


I still feel the first fight but we both made it out alive

第一次争吵的画面依然历历在目 但那样的不顺我们也安然度过

And I can't wait to make a million more first times


The greatest thing that I have achieved


Is four little words down on one knee

是单膝跪地 向你许下的那些承诺

You said darling are you joking

你问我 亲爱的 你是在跟我开玩笑吗

And I just said please

而我只是回答了一句 拜托你了

Ain't it funny how the simplest things in life can make a man

你不觉得有趣吗 生活怎么能通过细枝末节造就一个人

Little moments that pass us by


Oh but I remember


The first kiss the first night the first song that made you cry

第一次相吻 第一个夜晚 第一首让你哭泣的歌

The first look in your eyes when I said I love you

在我告诉你我爱你的时候 你眼睛中第一次亮起的光

I can still feel the butterflies from when we stumbled home that night

我依然能感受到那晚我们跌跌撞撞回到家时 我激动的心跳

And I can't wait to make a million more first times


Ain't it funny how the simplest things in life can make a man

你不觉得有趣吗 生活怎么能通过细枝末节造就一个人

Little moments that pass us by


Oh but I remember


The first kiss the first night the first song that made you cry

第一次相吻 第一个夜晚 第一首让你哭泣的歌

The first dance at moonlight in your parents' garden

在你父母的花园里 在月光下 我们的第一支舞

I can't wait to see everything that's yet to be


Our first child and then a million more first times

迎接我们的第一个孩子 然后还有无数个第一次