Cry Your Heart Out




Cry Your Heart Out - Adele

Lyrics by:Adele Adkins/Greg Kurstin

Composed by:Adele Adkins/Greg Kurstin

Cry your heart out it'll clean your face

放声大哭吧 任泪水滑落 冲刷过往

When you're in doubt go at your own pace

当你心怀疑虑时 按照你自己的步伐前行

Cry your heart out it'll clean your face

坦然接受泪的洗礼 迎接新的开始

When you're in doubt go at your own pace

当你心怀疑虑时 按照你自己的步伐前行

When I walk in a room I'm invisible I feel like a ghost

当我走进房间 大家对我视而不见 感觉我像是幽灵一般

Uh uh uh uh uh

All my friends keep on telling me that this feeling won't last mh

朋友们都劝我 痛苦不会存在太久

Uh uh uh uh uh

I can't get no relief I'm so tired of myself

我无法得到解脱 我自暴自弃

I swear I'm dead in the eyes

我发誓我目光呆滞 死气沉沉

Uh uh uh uh uh

I have nothin' to feel no more I can't even cry

我已然麻木无觉 我甚至欲哭无泪

Uh uh uh uh uh

When will I begin to feel like me again


I'm hanging by a thread


My skin's paper thin I can't stop wavering

身体似是不堪一击 止不住地战栗

I've never been more scared


Cry your heart out it'll clean your face

放声大哭吧 任泪水滑落 冲刷过往

When you're in doubt go at your own pace

当你心怀疑虑时 按照你自己的步伐前行

Cry your heart out it'll clean your face

坦然接受泪的洗礼 迎接新的开始

When you're in doubt go at your own pace

当你心怀疑虑时 按照你自己的步伐前行

When I wake up I'm afraid of the idea of facing the day

当我醒来 我害怕面对新的一天

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

I would rather stay home on my own drink it all away

我宁愿呆在家里 与酒作伴 度过这漫长的一天

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Please stop callin' me it's exhausting there's really nothin' left to say

请别再给我打电话 我已是身心俱疲 我们之间已经无话可说

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

I created this storm it's only fair I have to sit in its rain

我亲手掀起这场风暴 唯有我置身风口浪尖才算得上公平吧

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

When will I begin to feel like me again


I'm hanging by a thread


My skin's paper thin I can't stop wavering

身体似是不堪一击 止不住地战栗

I've never been more scared


Cry your heart out it'll clean your face

放声大哭吧 任泪水滑落 冲刷过往

When you're in doubt go at your own pace

当你心怀疑虑时 按照你自己的步伐前行

Cry your heart out it'll clean your face

坦然接受泪的洗礼 迎接新的开始

When you're in doubt go at your own pace

当你心怀疑虑时 按照你自己的步伐前行

Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh

All love is devout

爱 是虔诚无私的

No feeling is a waste


But give it to yourself now


Before it's too late


In the end it's just you

最后的最后 你还有自己

Stop drowning in wait


Your love is useless without it

深情厚爱也于事无补 失去爱又有何妨

Cry your heart out


Cry yeah


It'll clean your face

坦然接受泪的洗礼 迎接新的开始

When you're in doubt


Go at your own pace
