Santa Baby




Santa Baby - Taylor Swift

Santa baby' slip a sable under the tree' for me

圣诞宝贝 请把送我的貂皮悄悄放在圣诞树下

I've been an awful good girl' santa baby

我一直是个很乖的女孩儿 圣诞宝贝

So hurry down the chimney tonight

所以 今晚快从烟囱上下来吧

Santa baby' a '54 convertible' too' light blue

圣诞宝贝 我还要一辆54年的跑车 淡蓝色的

Well I'll wait up for you' dear' santa baby

我会一整夜不睡觉为你等待 圣诞宝贝

So hurry down the chimney tonight' yeah

所以 今晚快从烟囱上下来吧

Think of all the fun I've missed


Think of all the boys I haven't kissed


Next year I could be just as good


If you check off my Christmas list

当然 只要你满足了我的圣诞愿望就行

Santa baby' I want a yacht and really that's not a lot

圣诞宝贝 我想要游艇 这要求真的不太多

I've been an angel all year' santa baby

我这一整年来一直都乖得跟天使一样 圣诞宝贝

So hurry down the chimney tonight

所以 今晚快从烟囱上下来吧

Santa' honey' there's one more thing I really do need' the deed

圣诞宝贝 亲爱的 还有一样小东西我真的很需要

To a platinum mine' santa honey

一份白金矿藏的地契书 圣诞宝贝

So hurry down the chimney tonight

所以 今晚快从烟囱上下来吧

Come and trim my Christmas tree


With some decorations bought at Tiffany's


I really do believe in you


Let's see if you believe in me


Santa baby' forgot to mention one little thing

圣诞宝贝 忘了提一件小事

A ring


And I don't mean on the phone' santa baby

不是电话的铃声哦 圣诞宝贝

So hurry down the chimney tonight

所以 今晚快从烟囱上下来吧