Loves Gone Bad




Love's Gone Bad - Michael Jackson (迈克尔·杰克逊)

Ah i feel a fountain in my brain


Ice-cold water runnin' through my pain


Got a bad taste in my mouth from bitter tears

苦涩的泪水流进嘴巴 滋味难以言说

Heart so sad 'cause love's gone bad

心中悲痛 因为爱情已然变质

I see a rainbow all in black


Must be a sign that you ain't comin' back


Wake up at night callin' your name

深夜醒来 唤着你的名字

I see a face on my window pane


I've been this way since you've been gone

自你走后 我总是如此

Without your love i can't go on

失去了你的爱 我无法继续生活

Look in the mirror what do i see

看着镜子中的自己 我都做了些什么

A cryin' face kinda looks like me

镜子中那张泪眼朦胧的脸 只是与我有几分相似

Now where's the love you promised me

如今 你跟我承诺过的爱去哪了呢

Where's he tenderness to comfort me

那个温柔地抚慰我的人 他去了哪里

Everytime some love i choose


I seem to always be the one to lose


Bad taste in my mouth from bitter tears

苦涩的泪水流进嘴巴 滋味难以言说

Heart fells sad 'cause love's gone bad

心中伤感 因为爱情已然变质

Love's gone bad heart fells bad

爱情已然变质 心中伤感

Black crows flying up above


It's a sign that i live life without love


Slime's on the man slime's ont the sea

这个男人沾花惹草 海上的人又何尝不是

Slime's everywhere i said i'm destined to be

花心的人无处不在 我说过 我命该如此

And this world where nothing's right


Since you've been gone i can't sleep at night

自你走后 我总是夜不能寐

You said you'd be true to me

你说过 我会对我忠贞不二

Instead you made a fool out of me

实际上 你却把我当个傻子一样玩弄

Heart feels sad love's gone bad

心中悲痛 因为爱情已然变质