



Cruising down the center of a two way street

Wonder ring who is really in the driver's seat

Minding my bus'ness along comes big brother

Says Son you better get on one side or the other

I'm out on the border I'm walking the line

Don't you tell me about your law and order

I'm try'ng to change this water to wine

After a hard day I'm safe at home

Fooling with my baby on the telephone

Out of nowhere somebody cuts in and

Says Hmm you in some trouble boy

We know where you're been

I'm out on the border

I thought this was a private line

Don't you tell me 'bout your law and order

I'm try'ng to change this water to wine

Never mind your name

Just give us your number mm

Never mind your face

Just show us your card mm

And we wanna know whose wing are you under

You better step to the right or we can make it hard

I'm stuck on the border

All I wanted was some peace of mind

Don't you tell me 'bout your law and order

I'm try'ng to change this water to wine

On the border

On the border

On the border

On the border

On the border

All I wanted was some peace of mind peace of mind

I'm out on the border

On the border

Can't you see I'm tryin to change this water to wine

I'm out on the border

On the border

Don't you tell me about your law and order

I'm out on the border

Sick and tired of all your law and order

On the border

Sick and tired of it

I'm out on the border