Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow




Winter snow was falling I could feel your cuddling arms

随着冬季飘雪 你那可爱的手臂

Holding me so tightly I was almost the luckiest one

把我抱得那么紧 我是最幸运的

All I knew was your love meant the strength of final way

我只知道你的爱 现在是融化我心的最好途径

I never thought it would be end this way


Summer rain is falling sliding shadows over me

当夏天雨季到来 悲伤笼罩着我

Wondering what went wrong just loneliness as I thought like you

是哪儿错了 我感到的全是孤独寂寞

Previous photos about us only make me miss you more

看着关于她的相片 只让我更想你

This heart will never love this way again


This story of mine will hurt me and the days to come

在那天到来 我的这个故事将随着我

I try to break away from this


I know the strength of mine soon will come back inside of me


Fight away this nightmare and start a love again


So come try to say my sleeping heart will come alive

回来试着去说 我睡去的心将重新活过来

Seeing a friend new to trying to play it right this time Though your song has vanished I still wonder every now and then

开始一个崭新的方向 试图在正确的时间表演它 尽管你的歌声消失了 我依然想知道

Will you still love me tomorrow


This story of mine will hurt me and the days to come

在那天到来 我的这个故事将随着我

I try to break away from this


I know the strength of mine soon will come back inside of me


Fight away this nightmare and start a love again


So come try to say my sleeping heart will come alive

回来试着去说 我睡去的心将重新活过来

Seeing a friend new to trying to play it right this time Though your song has vanished I still wonder every now and then

开始一个崭新的方向 试图在正确的时间表演它 尽管你的歌声消失了 我依然想知道

Will you still love me tomorrow


Will you still love me tomorrow
